Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Recycle, recycle, recycle

A plastic bottle recycling bin in Tel Aviv, Israel

We've been hearing for many years now that the environment is in trouble. But recently this is becoming more and more apparent. The weather all over the world seems to have gone crazy. For the last few years now England has had heat waves during summer that were once unheard of. OK, whilst this might make the UK bearable ;-) it isn't good and it is disrupting our ecosystem. Glaciers are melting, whole species are disappearing and I know that in Tel Aviv we've been having crazy weather: heat wave after heat wave and then suddenly rain. So what do we do? We have to change our current habits to ensure that there is a future for planet Earth. If you think that your efforts will be futile see my first post and realise that every effort makes a difference.

Recycling has now become a common household word. Various recycling bins are readily available in most countries. The most common recycling bins are for glass, plastic, paper and aluminium. This is easy. We've been given the bins all we have to do is use them. Instead of throwing away these products along with the rest of your garbage, put them in the correct recycling bins. Read this interesting site: to find out what happens to these products when they're recycled and find out why recycling is so important.